Our EU project TAG CLOUD will be reviewed by an expert evaluator group set up by the European commission next week. The purpose is to check that the project has delivered results according to plan and to provide recommendations for further work.
We will demonstrate the initial prototypes developed in the project in the first year. In order to palliate to the “demo effect” (i.e., an application works perfectly always except when demonstrated for an audience), the developers involved in the project have prepared backup videos for their applications. As we were responsible for the development of the mobile App “stedr” (see our previous post), we have produced a demonstration video for “stedr”.
You can see the resulting video on YouTube. Note that we did not aim at producing a professional quality video since the intended use is a backup. Still we share it on our blog as the video demonstrates well the features of “stedr”.
Look at “stedr – experiencing culture in the landscape”.
We are currently working on a second version of “stedr” that we will evaluate in June. If you are living in Trondheim or visiting our city, contact us if you are interested to contribute to the evaluation.
TAG-CLOUD is an EU/FP7 IST project that aims at engaging a wider public in culture heritage. SINTEF will contribute to the development of social storytelling applications. Together with the County Authority of Sør Trøndelag, SINTEF will also conduct pilot trials.