The proceedings from AmI4CM workshop are published

The Workshop on the Application of Ambient Intelligence (AmI) to Crisis Management (AmI4CM) was held at AmI 2012 conference in Pisa as a collaborative effort between the EU projects SOCIETIES, BRIDGE and MIRROR. The proceedings of the workshop are now published as Vol-953 of CEUR proceedings.

Work published in the proceedings of acknowledged HCI conferences

    SINTEF research scientists Yngve Dahl and Kristine Holbø have recently co-authored two research papers, which describe the results from an evaluation of GPS used in the context of dementia care. The papers are now published in the proceedings of the DIS 2012 conference (acceptance rate 19%) and the MobileHCI 2012 conference (acceptance rate 25%). Both […]

New chapter in AAL Handbook

Our group has authored a paper in the new AAL Handbook which is published by IOS Press. The paper reports on a study of COPD patients at home, and how some simple technologies can help create a more efficient work flow for following the health condition of these patients. Based on the study we created a list of requirements for AAL technology and AAL deployment. We also did a mini-study of a number of European projects to see how they fullfilled out requirements.